Experiences with Zolpidem

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Active ingredient: Zolpidem
ATC Code: N05CF02

Level of

Level of Satisfaction 58%

What patients say...

Effectiveness 58%
Quantity of side effects 45%
Severity of side effects 41%
Ease of use 83%

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6/5/2018 | | 30moderated by Susan
Zolpidem (10mg) for insomnia

At first i thought this was a kind of placebo drug, only after taking four pills did i actually feel any kind of difference, so i concluded that this medication is not for me. sleeping pills don't have much effect on me and i have tried loads of them, the only thing that would help was muscle relaxants.
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11/19/2017 | | 57moderated by Philip
Zolpidem (10mg) for insomnia

hi, for years i have had trouble sleeping or i haven't slept at all! Many periods with temazepam, bromazepam, etc. in combination with alcohol. Since two years ago I've been using zolpidem, from 12 till now 1 1/2 10 mg, i sleep well or it's more like i go into a coma. This is for very bad sleepers but do be careful, it is very addicting!
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9/3/2017 | | 18
Zolpidem (10mg) for dry mouth

Zolpidem is a good medicine that helps with sleep disorders. But when it comes out of context, it can show up in another way: too many seccondaires effects.
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9/2/2017 | | 26
Zolpidem (10mg) for insomnia

This medication was prescribed to me against sleep disturbances. I couldn't sleep at all. So I followed the directions of the doctor, I took this medicine just before I went to sleep. On the first day, no worries, I took the pill, I lay down and 10 minutes later I slept. At the end of the second week, I started to have a very serious side effect. Hallucinations, I still remember seeing a bear i...
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7/26/2017 | | 78moderated by Charlotte
Zolpidem (10mg) for insomnia

Three hours after taking this drug I woke up in a total panic. Sitting on the couch for a while I could recall what it was all about. Something on my to do list had apparently turned into a gigantic nightmare in very clear and scary detail. Frightening.
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6/2/2017 | | 57moderated by Susan
Zolpidem (10mg) for anxiety disorder

I am unable to sleep from anxiety and during stress. Once in a while I can fall sleep without medications, but after one hour the demons appear in my sleep again. after one hour I usually take a pill again, sometimes in combination with Diazepam.
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