Review about Zolpidem

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9/2/2017 | | 26
Zolpidem (10mg) for insomnia

This medication was prescribed to me against sleep disturbances. I couldn't sleep at all. So I followed the directions of the doctor, I took this medicine just before I went to sleep. On the first day, no worries, I took the pill, I lay down and 10 minutes later I slept. At the end of the second week, I started to have a very serious side effect. Hallucinations, I still remember seeing a bear in a glass of water... Or even to have seen in front of me all the furniture of my house levitating, changing shape, and the most terrifying, kinds of "black masses" that were moving all around me. At the beginning of the taking of this stamp, I had no time to have these effects because I endormissais very quickly, but after several shots, it did not do as well and I began to bear it several minutes, see several hours before Sleep overwhelms me, and this is where this medicine is very dangerous. Something very serious happened to me one night, all that will follow was told to me by the police and by my wife. One night I take my zolpidem pill, I go to bed and there, black hole... But, I did not fall asleep, according to my wife and the law enforcement, I would have been panicked when I saw things all around me and I ran away from home half dressed... And I ran across the woods at 1:00 am... The gendarmes only found me at 4:00 in the morning... What happened for three hours? Where did I go? Did I attack someone in my panic? Did I fall asleep in the middle of the forest? This medicine is very strong, if I can give advice, to the slightest hallucination, to any similar side effect, stop it immediately.

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