Experiences with Simvastatin

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Active ingredient: Simvastatin
ATC Code: C10AA01

Level of

Level of Satisfaction 26%

What patients say...

Effectiveness 44%
Quantity of side effects 69%
Severity of side effects 65%
Ease of use 74%

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4/8/2016 | | 59moderated by Susan
Simvastatin (40mg) for high cholesterol

I've been taking Simvastatin 40 mg for a long time and I've come to the conclusion that it has caused my leg cramps and pain in my tendons so is there another medicine? I've been back into the hospital for my throat and I find it hard to swallow. The doctor said that's down to heartburn, but I've never had heartburn, but they gave me this drug, Esomeprazole 40 mg. But now I'm getting really bad...
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2/12/2016 | | 68moderated by Philip
Simvastatin (40mg) for high cholesterol

In the first place I was given Zocor but in around about 2000 (maybe earlier, can't quite remember) this was replaced by a statin from a cheaper brand. No side effects. Keeps cholesterol well under control.
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1/26/2016 | | 69moderated by Susan
Simvastatin (10mg) for high cholesterol

Lots of bone ache in my right shin bone with waves of strong pain, regular pain in my hands. Left foot so much pain that sometimes it feels like I can't walk anymore. Lost abnormal amount of hair. Swollen ankles. Sometimes feels like the blood flow being pinched. Often suddenly-appearing cramp in my thighs which is hardly bearable, standing up best option then. Forgetfulness, shaking hands. Les...
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12/2/2015 | | 57moderated by Henry
Simvastatin (40mg) for high cholesterol

3 weeks ago I was admitted to coronary care following a mild heart attack. At that point I was taking Crestor and I wasn't to happy with it. Then I was prescribed simvastatine. After that, 2 weeks ago, I was checked for hernia and canal stenosis in my back (the most difficult surgery) on the assumption that this was the cause for my back pain, muscle cramps in my legs, instability and not being...
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11/12/2015 | | 69moderated by Philip
Simvastatin (40mg) for high cholesterol

For me, simvastatine was pure posion. I took it for four months and day by day felt more miserable. Enormous amount of bruising, scratching myself raw, recently muscle pain, could hardly walk any more. After stopping I felt drastically better.
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11/9/2015 | | 78moderated by Susan
Simvastatin (40mg) for high cholesterol

My question is: I have a cholesterol level of 5.6. Is this a reason to take simvastatin? When there are so many side effects. Has anyone got experience of this? please answer
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11/5/2015 | | 73moderated by Philip
Simvastatin (20mg) for stroke

Since I started taking simvastatin I have had a lot of pain in my joints, knees, shins, shoulders. So I switched to atorvastatine 20 mg but the problems persisted. So I broke the pill in half and have been taking 10 mg a day for the past 6 months. But still no better.
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10/15/2015 | | 70moderated by Susan
Simvastatin (40mg) for atherosclerosis

I was reading stuff on this site and I was truly terrified when I saw what simvastatine can do to a person. It's making me cough my lungs up since the operation. (My aorta was replaced in 2012 and that's why I have Simvastatin Actavis 40 mg). Can anyone give me any advice?
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10/15/2015 | | 56moderated by Charlotte
Simvastatin (40mg) for stroke

I visited this site to see if anyone else has been affected by this medicine like I have - lethargic, tired, pain when using my my legs and muscles.
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