Experiences with Propranolol

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Active ingredient: Propranolol
ATC Code: C07AA05

Level of

Level of Satisfaction 46%

What patients say...

Effectiveness 53%
Quantity of side effects 65%
Severity of side effects 50%
Ease of use 78%

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12/1/2017 | | 0moderated by Philip
Propranolol (80mg) for migraine

I take the medication now for a couple of weeks but the headaches only get worse, is this normal? Does anyone have any advise?
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7/31/2016 | | 28moderated by Henry
Propranolol (80mg) for tremor

I would not be able to work (in healthcare) without Propranolol because of a tremor in my hands. I am happy with the results I get by using this medicine even though the tremor does not disappear completely.
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5/18/2016 | | 22moderated by Susan
Propranolol (80mg) for migraine

Suffered with migraines for a long time, around 3-4 a week with several auras too. Started off with a low dose but this wasn't effective enough and the GP quickly moved me up to a higher dose (160 mg). Migraines did become fewer but the side effects weren't to bear. Terrible dreams and disturbed sleep as well as other side effects like cold toes and depressed feelings. GP referred me after this...
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4/12/2016 | | 28moderated by Susan
Propranolol (80mg) for migraine

I have only just started taking this quantity of medication. Before I had a lower dose, with few to no side-effects. Now I take 80 mg a day I have noticed that I am really tired, regularly fall asleep when I really shouldn't. Like driving and at work.
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2/16/2016 | | 22moderated by Susan
Propranolol (40mg) for migraine

I was prescribed Propranolol because of migraines and after using it for years I've come to the conclusion via a homeopathic doctor that all of my problems, namely overwhelming tiredness, lack of energy, headache, stomach ache, dizziness and depression were actually caused by this medicine. My blood pressure wasn't even at 50. It might have helped in terms of the migraine attacks, but otherwise...
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11/30/2015 | | 40moderated by Henry
Propranolol (40mg) for migraine

Had an average of 2 migraine attacks each month. They were very difficult fight. After starting to take propranolol really quickly only 1 attack in 3 months. It was also easier to get rid of it with triptanen. Side effects: hands and feet get cold quickly. This is quite a problem in the winter.
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10/18/2015 | | 27moderated by Susan
Propranolol (80mg) for migraine

I had so much trouble with migraines, after exercising and even on days when I didn't do any exercise. On average about 3 times a week, sometimes lasting days. At some point I started taking propranolol. I felt awful. It seemed like my emotions had been switched off, I was depressed and dreamed all sorts of terrible things. I stopped taking it on holiday and on advice from somebody else, starte...
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10/14/2015 | | 18moderated by Philip
Propranolol (10mg) for anxiety disorder

For anyone with fear of failure or test anxiety. This is the answer for me! I have honestly never been so clam during my exams, considering I usually black out and suffer extreme stress. Take it 20 minutes before your exam and you feel really relaxed during the test. Recommended! (I only take half/three-quarters)
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