Experiences with Lisinopril

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Active ingredient: Lisinopril
ATC Code: C09AA03

Level of

Level of Satisfaction 31%

What patients say...

Effectiveness 71%
Quantity of side effects 59%
Severity of side effects 53%
Ease of use 81%

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3/25/2017 | | 68moderated by Susan
Lisinopril (5mg) for aortic valve disorder

After open heart surgery for valve replacement and 1 bypass, my breastbone had been sawn through and I found coughing and sneezing very painful. Lisinopril for high blood pressure. It gave me a dry, tickly cough and that's terrible after this kind of operation.
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1/25/2017 | | 74moderated by Charlotte
Lisinopril (10mg) for high blood pressure

I got this pill for high blood pressure. Causes a tickle cough, very annoying, especially when it’s not known as a side effect.
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1/5/2017 | | 51moderated by Charlotte
Lisinopril (5 mg) for high blood pressure

I've had all 3 different kinds for high blood pressure. Each one had its own side effects. Now I've got this one and I thought it was over. My blood pressure was sitting really nicely at 124/82, but the feeling of pressure on my chest hasn't changed. I've also got a dry cough as well which isn't good for you so if it carries on I think I will be stopping with it.
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9/25/2016 | | 62moderated by Henry
Lisinopril (10mg) for high blood pressure

I coughed so much I thought I must have lung cancer. Luckily enough the GP was able to switch my medicines quickly and I was no longer coughing up stuff.
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3/8/2016 | | 64moderated by Charlotte
Lisinopril (5mg) for high blood pressure

I started taking lisinopril because I was no longer responding to atenolol. I had been taking that for years without any problems. Most of all, in the first weeks after starting it, I had loads of headaches. Then as the weeks progressed I got gradually more depressed. Normally I'm really positive and proactive. If anything happened, though, I was totally knocked for six, could hardly bear it an...
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3/8/2016 | | 47moderated by Susan
Lisinopril (10mg) for high blood pressure

Since February, I've been given lisinopril, made by Sandoz. For years I've had a different brand. But since I've been taking this brand, I've had loads of stomach complaints and all day long a pressing feeling on my chest.
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1/16/2016 | | 53moderated by Philip
Lisinopril (10mg) for high blood pressure

Since I've been taking this medicine in I've been nauseous all day long, the GP reckoned I should try taking just half a tablet but still nauseous.
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11/19/2015 | | 37moderated by Philip
Lisinopril (10mg) for migraine

Got this to stop my migraines. I've noticed that it works well. In migraines you retain too much water. The first few days I needed to go to the toilet quite often but I noticed that straight after, the pressure in my head was a bit less. Also a bit of an irritating dry cough but this went away of its own accord after a few months. Now, I can also eat and drink things which used to trigger my m...
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