Experiences with Fosinopril

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Active ingredient: Fosinopril
ATC Code: C09AA09

Level of

Level of Satisfaction 0%

What patients say...

Effectiveness 25%
Quantity of side effects 62%
Severity of side effects 62%
Ease of use 100%

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6/22/2016 | | 60moderated by Charlotte
Fosinopril (20mg) for thrombosis

was intended for better circulation and clot reduction. I think there may have been side-effects when I started but I can't remember any more. Until 2012 and from 1 April 2016. Following dermatological investigation it would seem that this medicine was the primary cause for a severe allergic attack which caused me to be hospitalised, in combination with the drugs I was injected with in the pain...
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4/21/2016 | | 56moderated by Charlotte
Fosinopril (10mg) for high blood pressure

Personally, I am always tired, but what this medicine is doing to me is awful. Muscle pains all over my entire body (which is not mentioned in the list of side effects). Groggy, derealisation, no idea if I'm even alive any more. What a piece of junk. Am I the only one here with these side effects?
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