Experiences with Clarithromycin

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Active ingredient: Clarithromycin
ATC Code: J01FA09

Level of

Level of Satisfaction 15%

What patients say...

Effectiveness 39%
Quantity of side effects 79%
Severity of side effects 65%
Ease of use 65%

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8/30/2016 | | 42moderated by Charlotte
Clarithromycin (500mg) for bacterial infection

After using this drug for 4 days I became paranoid, confused, anxious, got palpitations (and sometimes my heart missed beats), swollen tongue and throat which almost made me retch, difficulty breathing, metallic taste in my nose and mouth, reduced appetite, nervous sweating, change in taste and smell, but the worst one was my swollen larynx. That all of a sudden I couldn't breathe. Stopped taki...
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6/8/2016 | | 68moderated by Susan
Clarithromycin (250mg) for Folliculitis

Pustules with pus on my scalp. Side-effects: Deterioration of my sense of taste. Mild to medium headache every night, and I'm prone to them anyway…!
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11/18/2015 | | 41moderated by Susan
Clarithromycin (500mg) for facial pain

I was given this and I've got bad side effects, palpitations, deafness, and I stopped after one week because I was having such bad palpitations. I thought I was having a heart attack. If you've got heart problems then watch out for this medicine! Nightmare. I still have palpitations today, I don't know if they're going to go away, otherwise it's back to the GP!
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11/9/2015 | | 60moderated by Henry
Clarithromycin (500mg) for bronchitis

This was prescribed to me as 2 x 500 mg and straight away I started coughing up phlegm and I had a metallic taste in my mouth. Three days of taking 100 mg a day and my tongue started to bleed, so I stopped immediately and went to see the GP.
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10/3/2015 | | 84moderated by Charlotte
Clarithromycin (250mg) for pneumonia

After a few days of taking this medicine, I could no longer smell or taste anything. I still haven't got those senses back either. My GP said it could be a side effect. Is there anyone else who has experienced these side effects?
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