Experiences with Baclofen

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Active ingredient: Baclofen
ATC Code: M03BX01

Level of

Level of Satisfaction 43%

What patients say...

Effectiveness 56%
Quantity of side effects 37%
Severity of side effects 37%
Ease of use 84%

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9/5/2017 | | 52
Baclofen (5mg) for Muscle spasms

Baclofen: The anti-spasticity agent. 1. Walking is not improved. 2. It does not reduce the pain of cramping. 3. What are you talking about? Nothing!
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10/3/2016 | | 44moderated by Charlotte
Baclofen (10mg) for multiple sclerosis (MS)

I've recently started on the maximum dose, 3 tablets a day. When I was on a lower dose, I had less trouble with side effects. But now I'm finding the drowsiness really difficult to deal with. Because it's lost its efficacy and I don't want to have to take this any more, I'm also taking herbal remedies (mediweed) for the spasms and it's working quite well, but there is a lot to say about this th...
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9/28/2016 | | 53moderated by Philip
Baclofen (10mg) for multiple sclerosis (MS)

Baclofen meant I no longer had any spasms but it made me so tired that I could hardly function during the day. It was really hard for me to think clearly and it felt like my head was full of cotton wool.
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9/8/2016 | | 45moderated by Henry
Baclofen (10mg) for anxiety & panic disorder

I have always had sleep problems and anxiety issues (especially when it comes to going to sleep). I read a few positive experiences with baclofen for anxiety and sleep problems so I asked my specialist if I could try it, started on 2 x 10 mg, I must confess that I easily fall asleep on this, also take 0.5 mg alprazolam and 7.5 mg mirtazapine. But after 2/3 weeks I felt more depressed, so I have...
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8/28/2016 | | 54moderated by Charlotte
Baclofen (0,5mg/ml) for anxiety & panic disorder

I have been using Baclofen for one month for depression and anxiety attacks. I've noticed that it's made me calmer. I still find it hard to go outside, but it seems to be a bit easier.
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4/18/2016 | | 30moderated by Henry
Baclofen (10mg) for Muscle spasms

Dear readers, I have been taking this medicine for a number of years with negative consequences. I used this this medicine on account of spasms on the left-hand side of my body... The entire side spasms. It certainly had the desired effect but the only problem was that my bowels seemed to stop moving and the consequences of which were not to be ignored, all of them negative... As soon as we fig...
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2/3/2016 | | 61moderated by Henry
Baclofen (10mg) for alcohol addiction

Using baclofen according to the method of Dr Olivier Ameisen by starting with 50 mg p/day and then slowly increasing this until the so-called "switch" is reached (aversion to alcohol) after which you can slowly reduce down to a maintenance dose. But: dosing and side-effects can be different everyone. Read more about baclofen on the Sjoerd Talsma page at nulpromille.nl
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1/12/2016 | | 69moderated by Charlotte
Baclofen (25mg) for restless legs syndrome (RLS)

I've recently started taking Baclofen just in the evenings to help me sleep better, for my restless legs, as well as my other medication for it, Pramipexol 4 x 0.88 mg in the evenings. It seems to be working well and I feel well-rested in the mornings, no muscle pain, and my head feels oxygenated. And it's not a problem for my addictive tendencies and past, not that I have problems with it any ...
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