Experiences with Oxycodone

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Active ingredient: oxycodone hydrochloride
ATC Code: N02AA05

Level of

Level of Satisfaction 70%

What patients say...

Effectiveness 75%
Quantity of side effects 60%
Severity of side effects 50%
Ease of use 85%

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21/08/2017 | | 55moderated by Susan
oxycodone hydrochloride (10mg) for low back pain

My back has seized up in certain places and the operations have unfortunately not helped at all. After going all round the houses visiting specialists and doctors, the only thing that is left for me is pain relief. So I'm taking a pretty hefty dose of oxycodone, 60 mg per day. So now I'm getting random side effects like sweating, dizziness and weight gain.
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15/07/2017 | | 52moderated by Charlotte
oxycodone hydrochloride (10mg) for neuralgia

To begin with this worked well but with an increase in the dosage came an increase of the side effects. Started on 0.5 in 2014 and ended on an average of 60 mg. Incredibly addictive, I always needed more and more because they were working less and less well. Now switched to methadone 2 x 0.5 mg p/d pain is sometimes almost completely gone and it works for a long time. Good way to get off oxy. N...
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02/07/2017 | | 52moderated by Henry
oxycodone hydrochloride (20mg) for neuralgia

After gradually increasing the dose over a period of 2 weeks I've noticed that the pain is somewhat more bearable. The nerve pain never disappears with any medicine but at least it's now bearable.
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30/05/2017 | | 47moderated by Susan
oxycodone hydrochloride (20mg) for fibromyalgia (FM or FMS)

I take two kinds - long-lasting and short-acting. The long-lasting 2 x a day 20 mg and then the short-acting (when needed) 5 mg. Work brilliantly.
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10/05/2017 | | 50moderated by Susan
oxycodone hydrochloride (10mg) for neuralgia

After numerous operations I need to take long and short acting oxycodone. I've been on it for 2 years now and I just need to keep taking more and more. So addictive (spent a week trying to come off it in the hospital). So, don't take it for more than 2 weeks.
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