Experiences with Medikinet

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Active ingredient: methylphenidate hydrochloride
ATC Code: N06BA04

Level of

Level of Satisfaction 75%

What patients say...

Effectiveness 75%
Quantity of side effects 66%
Severity of side effects 58%
Ease of use 91%

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29/03/2017 | | 20moderated by Henry
methylphenidate hydrochloride (20mg) for attention deficit disorder (ADD)

These Medikinet tablets work for a period of 8 hours, in the last hour I feel a significant decrease in effect. These tablets are perfect to get through a school or workday and not feel any effect afterwards. I am careful driving the car if I haven’t taken any for a while, such as after the holidays.
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03/12/2016 | | 18moderated by Susan
methylphenidate hydrochloride (10mg) for attention deficit disorder (ADD)

I only recently started using this medicine and have lately been feeling side effects. I feel nauseous, have headache, very sleepy (been asleep for nearly 3 days now), no appetite, have hardly eaten anything all week, lost 2 lb....Sometimes I have cramps in my jaw. I also use Sertraline for anxiety and depression, but it feels as if this is now less effective. My concentration did improve, but ...
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27/08/2016 | | 24moderated by Philip
methylphenidate hydrochloride (10mg) for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

As far as effect goes no comment great I feel like a Duracell battery but in a calmer, more pleasant way. Not crazy just concentrated. I do suffer from frequent depressive episodes and I will just randomly want to start crying for no apparent reason which is awkward at the best of times.
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