Experiences with Wellbutrin

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Active ingredient: Bupropion
ATC Code: N06AX12

Level of

Level of Satisfaction 60%

What patients say...

Effectiveness 60%
Quantity of side effects 39%
Severity of side effects 30%
Ease of use 60%

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3/1/2018 | | 48moderated by Henry
Bupropion (150mg) for depression

I got this stuff from my psychiatrist. After two days of taking it i became aggressive and violent towards my husband and daughter. My depression only got worse.
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11/23/2017 | | 47moderated by Philip
Bupropion (150mg) for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

I am thinking about switching from Sertraline to Wellbutrin. I do have depressive thoughts and ADHD. I am wondering what it will do to me, I have tried almost everything. Once in a while I was able to skip the Concerta when i had a party and wanted to drink wine. Can i do this with Wellbutrin? Love to hear your experiences.
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9/25/2017 | | 44moderated by Susan
Bupropion (150mg) for depression

I'm a pathological gambler. Wellbutin unfortunately hasn't cured my addiction. I have noticed some changes in my gambling habits though. Before, it was the first thing I thought about when I woke up and it consumed my every waking second. Now I am able to enjoy other things and have less need to gamble. Conclusion: gambling excessively makes you depressed and the more depressed you are, the mor...
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9/5/2017 | | 22
Bupropion (150mg) for psychological complaints

In may 2017 I started with Wellbutrin. First 3 weeks I had many side effects. I was very anxious, restless and panicky. My days almost didn't come through. After this, this has declined. Further side effects that remained are: beep in ear, higher heart rate and unrest. After 6 weeks the dose was increased and 6 weeks after this increase I experienced a positive effect. I feel a lot better, don'...
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8/25/2017 | | 57moderated by Philip
Bupropion (150mg) for chronic depression

The first 3 weeks that i took this there was no effect and my symptoms got worse. Afterwards the symptoms got a little better. This medication does not take away your emotions. The only side effect seems to be some strange feeling around the mouth.
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