Experiences with Trazodone

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Active ingredient: Trazodone
ATC Code: N06AX05

Level of

Level of Satisfaction 66%

What patients say...

Effectiveness 66%
Quantity of side effects 25%
Severity of side effects 16%
Ease of use 75%

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4/20/2017 | | 70moderated by Philip
Trazodone (50mg) for paraplegia

I've now been using this for 10 years, back then I was sleeping poorly and had very strange dreams. Now: better overnight hallucinations, unsettled when I wake up (after a while I calm down again), bad dreams (vanish after a few moments of logical thinking), thirst, dry mouth.
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12/2/2016 | | 64moderated by Philip
Trazodone (100mg) for insomnia

The first 7 days I was a bit dizzy and not feeling quite awake. After that no more side effects. I also take Lormetazepam without any problems. My nurses told me this is for staying asleep, but here I read its an antidepressant. I would like to know which it is.
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2/3/2016 | | 34moderated by Henry
Trazodone (50mg) for chronic depression

My psychiatrist prescribed me trazodone because I sleep really badly. I also take a sedative (Lorazepam) but this doesn't help enough any more. Trazodone is the tenth sort of antidepressants I've tried. Unfortunately this medicine still doesn't have any effect on my mood. Luckily it does help with my sleep and I'm really happy about that. Now and then I have a day when I feel a bit dull and sle...
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