Experiences with Sotalol

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Active ingredient: Sotalol
ATC Code: C07AA07

Level of

Level of Satisfaction 45%

What patients say...

Effectiveness 62%
Quantity of side effects 57%
Severity of side effects 45%
Ease of use 87%

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6/12/2018 | | 67moderated by Henry
Sotalol (40mg) for cardiac arrhythmia

This medication slows down my heartbeat and i haven't had as much trouble with heart palpitations and arrhythmia since I've started taking it.
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6/6/2017 | | 51moderated by Philip
Sotalol (80mg) for atrial fibrillation

Initially I had metoprolol followed by cardioversion. It was successful, but after two days I reverted back to permanent chest fibrillation. As a result I was switched to Solatol because the heart rate wasn't too high and Solatol works more on rhythm. Had another cardioversion and this time it seems to have worked better. Heart rate is now somewhat on the low side (41 at rest), but I feel great...
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9/23/2016 | | 68moderated by Charlotte
Sotalol (40mg) for atrial fibrillation

First time beginning of June 2016. Three days later a second attack. Afterwards no more until 13th September. Halved my medicine : from 2 pills a day to 1.
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8/10/2016 | | 66moderated by Susan
Sotalol (40mg) for atrial fibrillation

In 2001 I had a really bad fibrillation. After that I regularly had them once or twice a year. In November 2015 the attack lasted for a really long time, too long according to the GP. So in consultation with the cardiologist started taking sotalol. Within 1 month I had another attack. And again in July. So I'm not convinced about the effectiveness of this drug. Going to see cardiologist soon.
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11/30/2015 | | 70moderated by Charlotte
Sotalol (80mg) for heart attack

mild heart attack in 2013, angioplasty and stent implantation, end of august 2015 atrial fibrillation and taking sotalol since october 2015, which has made me incredibly tired over the past few weeks, knock me over and I can't get up again, such a sluggish feeling, going to cardiologist on thursday, will ask for a different medicine.
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11/17/2015 | | 71moderated by Henry
Sotalol (40mg) for cardiac arrhythmia

Because I have COPD, my cardiologist says there's not really anything I can take. The 2 are fighting with each other and it's like finding the least worst option. But I'm really feeling suicidal. Can anyone help me?
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11/7/2015 | | 55moderated by Philip
Sotalol (80mg) for cardiac arrhythmia

Since 5 November moved from metoprolol 50 mg 3 times a day to sotalol 80 mg twice a day. From the first pill, suffered with unpleasant side effects more palpitations bowel and stomach pain sweating and an uneasy feeling
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10/19/2015 | | 58moderated by Henry
Sotalol (40mg) for cardiac arrhythmia

since taking sotalol: cold hands and feet, cold overall, unsteady on my feet, quickly out of breath on exertion, dry mouth, tire easily.
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10/9/2015 | | 66moderated by Susan
Sotalol (80mg) for cardiac arrhythmia

I have been using Solatol for a long time and it works really well for me for my arrhythmia even though it also has bad side effects like tinnitus, dizziness and quickly feeling tired. I had an ablation but it didn't work.
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10/9/2015 | | 66moderated by Henry
Sotalol (80mg) for cardiac arrhythmia

I have been using Solatol for a long time and it works really well for me for my arrhythmia even though it also has bad side effects like tinnitus, dizziness and quickly feeling tired. I had an ablation but it didn't work.
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