Experiences with Risperidone

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Active ingredient: Risperidone
ATC Code: N05AX08

Level of

Level of Satisfaction 18%

What patients say...

Effectiveness 25%
Quantity of side effects 68%
Severity of side effects 68%
Ease of use 93%

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5/31/2017 | | 30moderated by Charlotte
Risperidone (3mg) for depression

I was prescribed this drug for my depression with psychological elements and I've now been taking it for around 8 or 9 years. It helps incredibly well with the psychosis and it's also good for the depression and suicidal tendencies. But I'm happy that I'm now able to switch to another drug (aripiprazole) because I have put on an incredible amount of weight, I'm always drowsy/groggy/sleepy/tired...
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9/3/2016 | | 69moderated by Charlotte
Risperidone (1mg) for depression

I've been taking this for 5 years and so I stopped on 1 January 2016. After 6 months of severe depression and I've started trying Risperidon again. After taking it for two weeks my depression has drastically increased and I've decided I'm actually going to stop taking this medicine
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4/30/2016 | | 71moderated by Philip
Risperidone (2mg) for depression

More and more problems across my whole stomach area/back/chest. Later found out that my organs were also painful. The higher the dose, the more pain I suffer. I am so happy that I can stop taking this. Unfortunately I have to come off it slowly.
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4/10/2016 | | 9moderated by Charlotte
Risperidone (2mg) for autism

on 1st feb my 9-year-old daughter started taking risperidon for her autism with hearing problems. slowly increased to 2 mg. but still constant pain with headaches and just not feeling right. at the same time as starting she started getting compulsive thoughts (which are now so bad in the evenings that all she can do is cry that she can't cope). lowered the dose to 1 mg on my own initiative comp...
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