Experiences with Paroxetine

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Active ingredient: Paroxetine
ATC Code: N06AB05

Level of

Level of Satisfaction 53%

What patients say...

Effectiveness 64%
Quantity of side effects 44%
Severity of side effects 37%
Ease of use 83%

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2/3/2016 | | 70moderated by Charlotte
Paroxetine (20mg) for psychological complaints

As well as this I take 2 Tavor tablets, active ingredient Lorazepam 1 mg. With this medication I can function reasonably well but I haven't had contact with people for 15 years and I seldom, if ever, come out of my (large) garden. But without this medicine I would absolutely not be able to function.
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2/2/2016 | | 55moderated by Charlotte
Paroxetine (20mg) for depression

Helps me really well! Really had the feeling that something wasn't right. Missed just one tablet and I felt like I did before! Life is good again!
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1/15/2016 | | 52moderated by Henry
Paroxetine (Mg 40) for anxiety disorder

Suffered with bouts of anxiety since I was 12. Started taking paroxetine in 1990. Then I suffered with weight gain and perspiring. For those reasons I switched to citalopram which has far fewer side effects but not as effective for anxiety. So I switched back to paroxetine. Now I'm going through the menopause things are more complicated. Behavioural therapy aimed at coping with the disorder and...
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1/10/2016 | | 87moderated by Philip
Paroxetine (20mg) for complication after operation

I had an operation on 6 Dec 2016 for tongue cancer. Physically no problem. Few minor issues with my cerebral function. I asked the oral surgeon if I'd had a strong dose of anaesthetic and the answer was no but I was under for a long time and given my age (85) recovery takes longer. I am worried about taking Paroxetine. I live life to the full. Lots of humour, wonderful life married for 62 years...
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11/19/2015 | | 34moderated by Charlotte
Paroxetine (20mg) for anxiety & panic disorder

Has anyone heard of paroxetine drastically increasing your chance of getting breast cancer? Just started taking it and I've just found an article about this. It's got me worried because there are a couple of women in my family with breast cancer. I can't really say much about how I find the medicine because I've only just started taking it.
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11/9/2015 | | 57moderated by Henry
Paroxetine (10mg) for emotional exhaustion / burnout

Used 20 mg paroxetine since I was 15 because of burn-out/depression and hereditary serotonin deficit according to my doctor's diagnosis. I got a new diagnosis in May, delayed sleep disorder, which means I have to phase out paroxetine. Between April and June I went from 20 to mg and since Aug/Sept I've had really bad problems which seem to be withdrawal symptoms. The doctors don't know this for ...
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11/9/2015 | | 58moderated by Henry
Paroxetine (40mg) for anxiety & panic disorder

I've been taking paroxetine 30 mg now for about 2 years. I must say that it works well. No bad anxiety or panic attacks any more. But I think that this medicine has increased my cholesterol levels. They've always been at 5.0 but now they're almost 8.0. That really surprised me. Partly because I've got mild arteriosclerosis. I had a good read of the patient information leaflet and it definitely ...
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10/27/2015 | | 43moderated by Henry
Paroxetine (20mg) for anxiety & panic disorder

After almost 16 years struggling with hyperventilating which ultimately resulted in an anxiety and panic disorder, started taking paroxetine. Tried everything...breathing techniques, psychologist etc. At first was a bit wary of taking paroxetine but couldn't see any other option. And I am so happy with it!!! It has opened up a whole new world for me! I can walk along the street again, get in a ...
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10/22/2015 | | 46moderated by Charlotte
Paroxetine (20mg) for depression

I have been taking paroxetine now for one and a half years and I feel empty and depressed and and also feel like life isn't really worth living any more, it's getting better again but don't feel very good and am not lucky in life. Is there anyone here who recognises this?! Thanks Robert
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10/3/2015 | | 44moderated by Henry
Paroxetine (10mg) for postpartum depression (PPD)

I had postnatal depression after the birth of my son. Really down, no enjoyment in anything any more, under a black cloud instead of over the moon, anxious, not allowed to be on my own and afraid to go outside. The psychotherapist wrote me a prescription for paroxetine with oxazepam as an extra support for the first weeks. It definitely took about 6 months before my anxiety lessened. Since then...
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