Experiences with Citalopram

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Active ingredient: Citalopram
ATC Code: N06AB04

Level of

Level of Satisfaction 58%

What patients say...

Effectiveness 64%
Quantity of side effects 57%
Severity of side effects 46%
Ease of use 86%

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5/11/2016 | | 27moderated by Charlotte
Citalopram (20mg) for depression

I use this as part of my treatment for depression. There aren't any serious side effects and I certainly feel a considerable amount calmer and more stable. All in all really happy with up to now. I've been taking it for about a year now. Hopefully I can start coming off it in the next year or so.
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5/5/2016 | | 23moderated by Philip
Citalopram (20mg) for anxiety disorder

I've been taking citalopram for 5 and a half weeks now for my depression and anxiety. Feel a moderate effect. I'm not totally happy with citalopram because of all the side effects. It has made me more anxious that I was before, I feel estranged from the world and confused, I've got really bad distress in my life, I feel like I'm going mad and I've got a heavy feeling in my head. The drops taste...
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2/22/2016 | | 32moderated by Susan
Citalopram (20mg) for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

Citalopram works really well had issues with my libido and thought that I'd be alright without it. Sadly this doesn't seem to be the case.
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2/15/2016 | | 41moderated by Henry
Citalopram (20mg) for anxiety & panic disorder

I started in April 2014, had really bad panic attacks, couldn't even get out the door any more. Medicine gave me loads of side-effects, such as more anxiety, panic, but after a few weeks I noticed a difference. The doctor thinks it's now time to start reducing my dose, really slowly. I've now been on 1×10 mg tablet a day for a week, down from 20 mg. Starting to feel more anxious again and incre...
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2/2/2016 | | 63moderated by Henry
Citalopram (10mg) for depression

citalopram is more of a temporary medicine because you don't want to do anything any more and you switch off. For the long-term it's no solution, at least not for me, you might well feel better but happy and sad become the same! So it's not worth the side-effects. In my case I was depressed because of loneliness (makes sense) at my age it's difficult to do anything if you don't have any family,...
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1/15/2016 | | 28moderated by Susan
Citalopram (40mg) for anxiety disorder

I've been increasing my dose of citalopram half a year. I've been on 40 mg for six weeks now. I've still got a heck of a lot of side effects: waves of nausea, lifelike dreams, going to the toilet a lot, sleeping badly… As well as this I'm still suffering with the problems of depression/general anxiety, such as waking up disturbed in the morning, palpitations, unnecessary worry, nervousness. I'm...
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11/18/2015 | | 44moderated by Henry
Citalopram (20mg) for depression

Been taking this medicine for a few months and it's working really well for my depression. of course there is the odd bad day but that just comes with the territory. Side effects that I've had are that I get tired quickly and yawn a lot, and forget lots of little things, which I never did before
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11/16/2015 | | 25moderated by Henry
Citalopram (10mg) for anxiety & panic disorder

Hello Taking this almost 4 weeks. Have an anxiety disorder, but this medicine has just made the depression worse. I'm going to try it for another couple of weeks. But then it'll be back to the GP. I take 2 oxazepam with it. I can't really think of anything positive that I can hold on to. I hope that I start to get better soon...anyone else had to wait so long for the medicine to work? Thx Dave
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11/14/2015 | | 34moderated by Henry
Citalopram (10mg) for postpartum depression (PPD)

Given these because of suspicion of post natal depression. But my mirena coil seems to have been the bad guy! Once the mirena was out my problems came back worse. Seemed that I didn't need the citaolopram any more because they were giving me the exact kind of problems that I was supposedly taking them for. Within a week of stopping taking citalopram, my depression was gone.
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11/11/2015 | | 49moderated by Charlotte
Citalopram (10mg) for anxiety disorder

So I've been on these drops for two and a half weeks now. I haven't noticed anything positive. I started with 1 and I'm now on 4. Loads of side effects and they're getting worse. Tried 3 other SSRIs before this one. Had to stop because of the side effects. Personally I think the dropper bottle is a disaster. Sometimes nothing comes out and other times big drops fall out and you have no idea how...
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10/10/2015 | | 67moderated by Henry
Citalopram (20mg) for depression

I have been taking citalopram 20 mg since 21 Sept. During the first two weeks I had hardly any side effects, apart from being a bit sleepy. Now I am in my third week and I'm having a few more side effects. They are bad. I am curious if other users have noticed anything. I take my tablet in the evening, about 6. I take a sleeping tablet before I go to bed.
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10/8/2015 | | 67moderated by Charlotte
Citalopram (20mg) for depression

I have been taking 20 mg citalopram since 21 Sept. For the first two weeks few side effects, just a bit sleepy. Now I'm in my third week I'm a bit dizzy and can't see very well. Has anyone else had more side effects in their third week?
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10/3/2015 | | 34moderated by Philip
Citalopram (30mg) for anxiety disorder

For me, everything is much better since citalopram. SOS! I am not back from my holiday. Yesterday I realised that I was short on my tablets...by 2 days. (Saved: at medical centres, they know exactly how to help you and can usually supply you with a couple of days' worth of medicine)
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