Experiences with Abilify

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Active ingredient: Aripiprazole
ATC Code: N05AX12

Level of

Level of Satisfaction 33%

What patients say...

Effectiveness 52%
Quantity of side effects 52%
Severity of side effects 52%
Ease of use 61%

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5/10/2018 | | 41moderated by Susan
Aripiprazole (7,5mg/ml) for alcohol addiction

This stuff, Abilify, is some of the most dangerous medication ive ever taken, it's one of the 6 most deadly medications there are.
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3/26/2017 | | 37moderated by Philip
Aripiprazole (15mg) for emotional exhaustion / burnout

Ablify supplements something in my brain. It makes me calmer, slimmer and more energetic. In the beginning I often felt sleepy, but this has got less. I think my body has started to get used to this medicine.
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11/28/2016 | | 29moderated by Henry
Aripiprazole (10mg) for psychosis

Hello, I started a 2 week cure today, taking 1 tablet a day and one injection of Abilify Maintena of 400 mg in my buttock. It wasn't really painful, it just feels stiff. I have many psychoses, during which I hear many voices at the same time and it drives me crazy. I hope this cure helps. Experiences anyone? Please let me know.
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9/11/2016 | | 36moderated by Charlotte
Aripiprazole (10mg) for anxiety & panic disorder

Prescribed for psychoses that developed as a result of PTSD, specialist said I had to come off it because of all the side effects and the problem needed to be solved with psychotherapy, now one year later the symptoms are reducing. The excellent aftercare has enabled me to switch over to alternative medicines and it's going well again. Stay in touch with your counsellor then you don't have to t...
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9/5/2016 | | 50moderated by Susan
Aripiprazole (15mg) for psychosis

As far as I am concerned, the side effects I get from Ablify (15 mg per day) are that I am a bit heavier, but certainly not as much as I was with zyprexa. In addition I am able to concentrate much better and have absolutely no other side effects.
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7/18/2016 | | 37moderated by Philip
Aripiprazole (15mg) for psychosis

In no time at all, abilify made me gain 15 kg. For the first half year I was on it I had severe hair loss. On top of that I was sluggish and drowsy and was always getting bad stomach pains followed by horrendous diarrhoea. My emotions were all deadened and I had muscle pain in my calves and sore soles of my feet which meant I couldn't walk very far or for long. And abilify is also laughably exp...
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4/25/2016 | | 43moderated by Charlotte
Aripiprazole (10mg) for psychosis

manic psychosis. After using this for a new months I developed anorgasmia. My orgasms were only a fraction of their previous intensity. Really upsetting.
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4/25/2016 | | 43moderated by Philip
Aripiprazole (10mg) for psychosis

manic psychosis. After using this for a few months I developed anorgasmia. My orgasms were only a fraction of their previous intensity. Really upsetting.
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1/8/2016 | | 48moderated by Henry
Aripiprazole (15mg) for anxiety & panic disorder

the side effects are stiffness in my jaw where my molars are, as well as bad sleep for the first nights. After 7 days the pains in my jaw muscles were gone and I was sleeping fine again from the third night.
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