Experiences with Venlafaxine

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Active ingredient: venlafaxine hydrochloride
ATC Code: N06AX16

Level of

Level of Satisfaction 68%

What patients say...

Effectiveness 78%
Quantity of side effects 56%
Severity of side effects 43%
Ease of use 84%

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12/08/2017 | | 49moderated by Henry
venlafaxine hydrochloride (75mg) for emotional exhaustion / burnout

Used paroxetine in the past but it completely numbed all of my emotions. This hasn't happened with venlafaxine. The side effects that bother me (blurred vision, convulsions in my arms and legs) are not (currently) so bad that I think I need to come off this.
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06/08/2017 | | 59moderated by Henry
venlafaxine hydrochloride (75mg) for emotional exhaustion / burnout

So much sweating, all day and all night. Need to leave the house with a towel. My hair gets wet and if I do anything even mildly energetic then the sweating just gets worse.
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02/08/2017 | | 50moderated by Henry
venlafaxine hydrochloride (225mg) for depression

I got post natal depression after having my first child, for which I was given Anafranil and hormones. After my 2nd child, I got depression with panic attacks. The doctor then prescribed me Venlafaxine. I started on 150 mg but in the meantime I've gone up to 225 mg.
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25/07/2017 | | 49moderated by Charlotte
venlafaxine hydrochloride (150mg) for depression

I experienced impotency and stomach pains while I was on this. After stopping (came off it too quickly but the speed was agreed with the GP) I still now (2 months after stopping) have lots of problems, dry lump in my throat, pins and needles all over my body, really bad stomach pains. Currently seeking help from GP and homeopath. Still no improvement.
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24/07/2017 | | 23moderated by Susan
venlafaxine hydrochloride (37,5mg) for anxiety & panic disorder

The first weeks I noticed the side effects (Nauseous, headache, dizzy and fatigue). But since then I can go outside again and I feel good 'without anxiety'! Under supervision from the doctor I am now coming off it. I should be able to stop completely within 2 weeks. Really happy with this medicine.
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19/07/2017 | | 46moderated by Philip
venlafaxine hydrochloride (75mg) for anxiety & panic disorder

Used to take seroxat for anxiety and panic disorder but it gave me side effects such as loss of libido. So I switched to efexor which at this dose doesn't give me any side effects at all.
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22/06/2017 | | 43moderated by Henry
venlafaxine hydrochloride (75mg) for anxiety disorder

I didn't feel all that bad but had occasional problems with anxiety. Took this on advice from the pscyh doctor. Increasing it was pure hell. Went up in increments of 17.5 g. Felt truly awful and oftern thought about stopping but I persevered. After 3 months my body seemed to get used to it, result after 4 months. Now it seems to be working fine. But it's not the easy option, as far as I'm conc...
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22/05/2017 | | 52moderated by Susan
venlafaxine hydrochloride (150mg) for bipolar disorder

started on venlafaxine for deep depression. I'd stopped sleeping. in the first week I started sleeping normally again. it only worked for the depression after about 7 weeks. so be patient. now and then I still get episodes of hypomania but that's controlled with oxazepam. really happy with this medicine. I used paroxetine first but it made the hypomania much worse.
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