Experiences with Dysthymia

This page shows detailed information about a disease such as statistics, patient reviews and related articles.

Also known as:
ICD10/11 Code: F34.1
ICD10/11 Group: F00-F99, Mental and behavioural disorders
Also known as: ---
ICD10/11 Code: F34.1, ICD10/11 Group: F00-F99, Mental and behavioural disorders

Read our patient's reviews about Dysthymia

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Most used drugs for this disease

Reviews from the most used drugs for this disease


1/25/2017 | | 31moderated by Philip
Venlafaxine (75mg) for dysthymia

The first week was a disaster. Heavy sweating at night, palpitations, dizziness, nausea, dry mouth. After a few days these side effects disappeared. Now I feel it really takes the edge off my depression. I still have off days, but not as bad as they used to be. I haven’t gained any weight since the start. My libido was lower at the start, but it’s slowly coming back. I do tire more easily, but ...
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9/3/2016 | | 50moderated by Philip
Fluvoxamine (100mg) for dysthymia

My whole life I've felt flat, little pleasure, few emotions. This made me moderately depressed. Fluvoxamine is the first medicine I've tried in my life. After 2 weeks I noticed that I was just sitting on the sofa, staring at the wall. I'm not at all sleepy but I have no motivation to do anything at all. I can't absorb any new information at work. Because it doesn't say that this is a side effec...
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11/10/2015 | | 25moderated by Susan
Escitalopram (10mg) for dysthymia

Didn't work at all and to start with I went into a deep, dark place. This is a known effect of this medicine but how do you cope with it? perhaps it's because of too low a dose, but my healthcare provider isn't allowed to increase the strength of this medicine because of the almost daily suicidal thoughts that arise... Now, alongside the escitalopram I have also been given seroquel and boy oh b...
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11/10/2015 | | 25moderated by Charlotte
Quetiapine (50mg) for dysthymia

Personally, I have experienced any of the negative reactions on here, but I'm only taking a low dose of this medicine alongside escitalopram 5 mg. Excellent medicine (a good combination?), before I was extremely paranoid, couldn't sleep, constantly panicking, really down and depressed. So many mood changes I was exhausted. Seroquel has really reduced this. for the first 2 weeks I suppose I was ...
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10/19/2015 | | 48moderated by Susan
Fluoxetine (20mg) for dysthymia

good medicine, was a bit drowsy in the beginning and had reduced libido...they came back soon enough and the drowsiness is going as well after taking this for a few weeks...
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