Experiences with Xeplion

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Active ingredient: paliperidone palmitate
ATC Code: N05AX13

Level of

Level of Satisfaction 6%

What patients say...

Effectiveness 6%
Quantity of side effects 100%
Severity of side effects 93%
Ease of use 50%

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24/07/2017 | | 18moderated by Philip
paliperidone palmitate (100mg/ml) for psychosis

Its awful I don't recommend it to any one. I have terrible restlessness, couldn't sleep well and my eyes are blurred. Sometimes feeling dizzy. Prescribed me by the government court about my psychosis but the treatment ends in 2 months so I beg I will get alive out of this shit injection. Not reccomended.
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02/07/2017 | | 26moderated by Henry
paliperidone palmitate (100mg/ml) for psychosis

I get these injections because I am apparently susceptible to psychoses, caused by cannabis use. These psychoses won't come back unless I use cannabis again, these are just foisted on you by the psychiatrist, it's all or nothing. it would seem that the psychoses are under control. But you're better off without this. the side effects make your life worse than if you were to have the occasional p...
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11/06/2017 | | 45moderated by Henry
paliperidone palmitate (100mg/ml) for psychosis

I wouldn't recommend xeplion to any one. I just couldn't live a normal life, work, enjoy myself or even relax. My life was hell. So I would advise against anti-psychotics. Talking and therapy work much better. Or even trying natural remedies. Everyone should have the right to sleep to work and to enjoy things, that's why we're here on this earth. But that was taken away from me. And anyway, I'm...
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24/04/2016 | | 44moderated by Philip
paliperidone palmitate (150) for psychological complaints

on account of a false diagnosis of psychosis, I was hospitalised and lost my house. Because of my anger at the forced hospitalisation and then the many lies of the therapists about things that never happened, my records were transferred to secure storage which is a really awkward thing in my life at the moment totally pointless and a waste of time, given that I didn't even ask for it, let alone...
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