Experiences with Evra

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Active ingredient: ethinylestradiol, norelgestromin
ATC Code: G03AA13

Level of

Level of Satisfaction 58%

What patients say...

Effectiveness 100%
Quantity of side effects 33%
Severity of side effects 33%
Ease of use 91%

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21/07/2017 | | 36moderated by Henry
ethinylestradiol, norelgestromin (600ug/6mg) for contraception / birth control

First few months were super, my skin was a bit irritated but after 6 months all of a sudden really upset bowels, cramps, diarrhoea, sore calves/cramped muscles... Often dizzy and now and then random headaches out of the blue like I'd never had before... stopped taking this straight away !!! As far as my cycle and protection went, it did its job, but all the side effects were too bad for me to c...
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16/05/2017 | | 31moderated by Susan
ethinylestradiol, norelgestromin (600ug/6mg) for contraception / birth control

Really simple and easy to use. Stick a plaster on once a week, I always used to forget to take my pills regularly and now I don't have to. Been using Evra for more than 10 years and I've never had any side effects or problems. No one can see the plaster and it stays on well, even when swimming or showering. A while ago I stopped it for about a year and a half because we wanted a child. Stopping...
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16/09/2016 | | 24moderated by Charlotte
ethinylestradiol, norelgestromin (600ug/6mg) for contraception / birth control

I’ve had this plaster for a month now after not taking anything for quite a while. The pill and nuvaring made me bleed continually. Up till now I haven’t had any bleeding between periods which is very unusual for me. The plaster is expensive but it works and I have no side effects at all.
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