Experiences with Escitalopram

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Active ingredient: escitalopram oxalate
ATC Code: N06AB10

Level of

Level of Satisfaction 45%

What patients say...

Effectiveness 45%
Quantity of side effects 39%
Severity of side effects 39%
Ease of use 85%

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05/07/2017 | | 45moderated by Charlotte
escitalopram oxalate (20mg) for chronic depression

Medicines do absolutely nothing, 5 weeks on, and still nothing. Not fair that I've built up a resistance to this because I've tried so many different medicines in the past, the only one that worked was Seroxat but I stopped taking that too quickly. Tried it again later but it didn't work any more.
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28/06/2017 | | 23moderated by Charlotte
escitalopram oxalate (15mg) for depression

This is a very effective medicine, it does exactly what it's supposed to. Shame about the side effects though (weight gain, reduced libido, sweating overnight, vivid dreams). It's bearable but not fun.
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19/06/2017 | | 32moderated by Henry
escitalopram oxalate (20mg) for depression

This medication was horrible for me! I was a zombie, no emotion at all and I couldn’t care about anything. Gained 2 stone in no time, because I was hungry for sweets all day long, no libido.
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08/06/2017 | | 25moderated by Susan
escitalopram oxalate (10mg) for social anxiety

I have a prescription for Escitalopram for a social phobia. I started on a very low dose and took my time adding to it. Last few days I’m on 1 drop a day so it still too early to say something on effectiveness. I do however notice some side effects: slight headache, some dizziness and a feeling of tension in my jaws. More serious I think is the lowering of my heart rate from 78 to 65. According...
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22/05/2017 | | 47moderated by Philip
escitalopram oxalate (15mg) for anxiety & panic disorder

Have used this medicine with great satisfaction over many years, no side effects, no weight gain and I enjoy life in general. At this moment however I experience problems in my joints. My GP wants to further examine these problems and even links it to my medicine use. I can’t find any experiences of other users having similar problems. My GP thinks it’s probably not the cause of my severe probl...
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