Experiences with Doxycycline

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Active ingredient: doxycycline hyclate
ATC Code: J01AA02

Level of

Level of Satisfaction 35%

What patients say...

Effectiveness 60%
Quantity of side effects 39%
Severity of side effects 55%
Ease of use 65%

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19/06/2017 | | 30moderated by Charlotte
doxycycline hyclate (100mg) for Lyme disease

I was bit by a tick and got this red spot around it. I had to take 100mg 4 times a day. At first I became oversensitive to light (not especially sunlight). Next I felt pinpricks all over and blisters appeared everywhere. The day after I started vomiting and two days later I couldn’t swallow any more. It was very painful. I had to go to hospital and it seems to be an allergic reaction so I had t...
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19/06/2017 | | 27moderated by Philip
doxycycline hyclate (100mg) for chlamydia

On the first day of taking this I spent the whole day on the toilet and had really bad muscle pains. After that one day it was over and it didn't happen again. Pill needs to be dissolved in water, tastes a bit bitter but nothing foul or dominant. I'd advise taking it during of after eating, because of the nausea.
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20/05/2017 | | 32moderated by Philip
doxycycline hyclate (100mg) for sinus infection

I slept loads the day after my first dose. Then it didn't bother me any more. My tummy did hurt the whole time I was on it though. Now and then I did get a bit dizzy. For 2 days after my last tablet, everything seemed to be going better, but then the symptoms came back. Back to the GP to ask him for advice.
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20/01/2017 | | 67moderated by Susan
doxycycline hyclate (100mg) for asthma

I'm asthmatic. A cold followed by a prednisolon cure and a week of doxycyline didn't have the required effects. I'm still coughing and wheezy. A chest x-ray was taken, still waiting for results.
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06/12/2016 | | 56moderated by Philip
doxycycline hyclate (100mg) for bronchitis

I was put on these tablets for bronchitis, I finished taking them two days ago but now I'm completely covered from head to toe in spots that are driving me mad itching. I have never experienced this before, and would not recommend anyone to take them.
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