Review about Topamax

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9/4/2017 | | 25
Topiramate (100mg) for migraine

Migraine and Epilepsy! From 2 months, the treatment begins to make its effect... people who had not seen me for a long time were amazed when I saw (as thin) 15 kilos! My neurologist (prescriber) When I saw myself, said to me: Hula, you have lost weight? I did not know that it came from the drug at the outset.... I did not know that I mincissais... I did not weigh myself... and after, with the photos, there I begin to see the change! Practically a migraine 4 times a week, I switched to 4 migraines a month.... to calm the pain nothing better than Relpax 40mg accompanied by an ibuprofen 400! Depression takes you and makes you gain weight.... I was happy to lose peas and to have so much migraine! Each person is different, you have to look for his personal dosage, do not give up... me I start with 25, then 50, then 75 in the evening and 50 in the morning and then 100 morning and 200 in the evening to finish at 100 per day... I'm sorry! When I see certain demolishing this medicine for (tingling) it makes me laugh.... or say that it is a dangerous product because with them it did not work... Look at me, since my 7 years I suffer from migraine with aura... finally I had a treatment to the height! And no negative point except the weight... who is against losing a little weight? lol unless we weighs 50 kilos ^^ but the doctor is not stupid, he knows the effects and will not give that to someone with skin on the bones! This treatment was given to me the day I had an epileptic seizure with loss of knowledge.... I went again one hour after in the E.R..... The first time in my life... I was 22 years old in 2014! After treatment at lamictal for a year (effective, never more crisis), I saw the neurologist for my migraines more and more violent... The Epitomax that is against the 2, it was very good for me! So my advice for new people who want to try or who start it: do not let go! If this does not go, then revisit is that the dosage is not the right! But in nothing, it is a bad product... I am living proof of it:) and you could see that it is used a lot... but we're all different, we all react differently to the molecules... some will be more adaptable than others... me for example the Zomigoro me no effect... nor the Almogran! (Yet very good product) PS: When I hear people say that doctors prescribe them topiramate just to lose pea, I am outraged.... take a molecule that acts on the brain ect while they are not sick, it is unacceptable and very Dan Dangerous! I don't want them to live the hell out of a migraine and an epileptic... Taking pills every day, having your life screwed up by headaches... and no, people take their meds to lose weight and enjoy the side effects of the drug... it's sad! Go run if you want to lose weight instead of taking advantage of a medicine made for a sick, paid by taxpayers! The worst, the doctor prescribes it ^^ normal lol: Doctor, I want this to lose weight! Ok i put it lol: How much Mg you want? lol I think dreaming there... Anyway, good luck to my fellow migraine sufferers! Hold on!

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