Experiences with Tonsillitis

This page shows detailed information about a disease such as statistics, patient reviews and related articles.

Also known as:
ICD10/11 Code: J30 J35
ICD10/11 Group: J00-J99, Diseases of the respiratory system
Also known as: ---
ICD10/11 Code: J30 J35, ICD10/11 Group: J00-J99, Diseases of the respiratory system

Read our patient's reviews about Tonsillitis

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Most used drugs for this disease

Reviews from the most used drugs for this disease


12/10/2015 | | 29moderated by Susan
Azithromycin (500mg) for tonsillitis

A few hours after I took the first one, the pain of the infection started to disappear. I was a little bit windy and had mild diarrhoea. But now, day 2, a couple of hours after taking it, I've got cramps in my stomach and diarrhoea again but the tonsillitis is still going away. The medicine is quite aggressive, but what can you expect with such a short course? I can cope with three days of dia...
> read full review...


10/16/2015 | | 41moderated by Henry
Amoxicillin (500mg) for tonsillitis

Straight after finishing the course the symptoms came back worse. GP didn't say anything about sensitivity to sunlight and I developed a serious irritation.
> read full review...

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The content on this page is user-generated content, read and revised before approval to comply with our standards for a condition review or reaction. We do not enforce any proven medical knowledge from our users to allow them to present their experiences. This way, the opinions and experiences described state only the views of the writers and not those of the owner of this website. Remember that these experiences differ from person to person and that you should always contact your doctor or pharmacist for advice on medication.

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