Experiences with Hashimoto's thyroiditis

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Also known as:
ICD10/11 Code: E06.3
ICD10/11 Group: E00-E90, Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases
Hashimoto's thyroiditis
Also known as: ---
ICD10/11 Code: E06.3, ICD10/11 Group: E00-E90, Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases

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9/6/2017 | | 68
Levothyroxine (100ug) for Hashimoto's thyroiditis

My Hashimoto's disease has been easily balanced for several years. Diagnosed in 1999, TSH at 63. Complication Myositis eyes (followed by multiskilled). Since spring 2017: Fatigue, disorders of immediate memory, sadness, impression of rock even without moving, insomnia, palpitations even at rest.
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9/6/2017 | | 64
Levothyroxine (125ug) for Hashimoto's thyroiditis

After three months, I'm better. Redosage in progress from 125 to 112.5. Blood sample in two months. I have muscle cramps, extracystoles, high fatigue, anemia, discomfort.
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9/5/2017 | | 60
Levothyroxine (100ug) for Hashimoto's thyroiditis

Discovery of Hashimoto's disease in 2005 during a very important weight gain (+ 35 kilos in less than a year) and fatigue. I fell asleep standing. Difficult to balance with the TSH that made the yoyo. Weight loss virtually nil while I have a diet at 900 calories. Since the change of formula, I have all the signs of HASHIMOTO as if I came back at the beginning with in addition to other important...
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9/5/2017 | | 60
Levothyroxine (100ug) for Hashimoto's thyroiditis

Hashimoto's disease very difficult to balance until September 2016. Levothyrox 100 old formula. I have always been mild hypothyroidism under treatment because I do not support the increase in LEVO that would be necessary for me to be euthyroïdienne. Since the new formula, last May, I took 10 kilos in addition to the 35 taken since the onset of the disease and never lost. I'm 95 kilos for 1 m 50...
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9/5/2017 | | 49
Levothyroxine (137ug) for Hashimoto's thyroiditis

Levothyrox new formula. I've been taking the Levothyrox for 25 years. thyroid stable for more than 6 years, with the new formula since April 2017. Nausea, dizziness, hot flashes, weight gain (+ 7kg), joint pain, my TSH jumped from 0.6 to 3.1!! From the increase in the dose before 87.5 YG now already 137.5 and TSH just 2. And I'm not an anxious one! I even initially thought of an early menopau...
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9/3/2017 | | 43
Levothyroxine (75) for Hashimoto's thyroiditis

Hashimoto's disease discovered three years ago. Under Levothyrox old formula without any problems, then change of formula and progressive appearance of signs of hormone under dosage as well as side effects: headache After taking the medication, certainly due to mannitol new excipient of the Levothyrox.
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9/1/2017 | | 76
Levothyroxine (125ug) for Hashimoto's thyroiditis

For 20 years, I've been taking Lévothyrox (Hashimoto's disease), I'm stabilized at 125. In May, I started the new formula (no choice) and after two months, fatigue, especially from midday, dizziness, headache. I just redo the TSH dosage, the rate was divided by four! Back Monday at my doctor, I am considering ordering this medicine in the Netherlands, where nothing has been changed in the formu...
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6/19/2016 | | 40moderated by Charlotte
Levothyroxine (125ug) for Hashimoto's thyroiditis

Because of the suspected side-effects of Euthyrox switched to levothyroxine TEVA. Haven't yet determined the right level. Problems I had on Euthyrox has completely disappeared. Well, from day one I did suffer with laryngitis (for 13 days), but this could also just be a coincidence (I get this quite often). Getting my levels checked in July, am curious.
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5/13/2016 | | 63moderated by Henry
Levothyroxine (125ug) for Hashimoto's thyroiditis

The tablets in the little pot have a terrible chemical smell and taste. They give me heartburn and affect my taste all day long.
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