Review about Levothyroxine

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9/5/2017 | | 60
Levothyroxine (100ug) for Hashimoto's thyroiditis

Hashimoto's disease very difficult to balance until September 2016. Levothyrox 100 old formula. I have always been mild hypothyroidism under treatment because I do not support the increase in LEVO that would be necessary for me to be euthyroïdienne. Since the new formula, last May, I took 10 kilos in addition to the 35 taken since the onset of the disease and never lost. I'm 95 kilos for 1 m 50 with a diet of 900 calories. I have nausea, sometimes so important that I do not eat at all, hair loss (I clog the drain when I shampoo), I am exhausted, sometimes so much that I can not get up. I drag myself, I feel that my legs are not going to carry me and I also dizzy as if I drank while I only drink water. Not to mention night cramps, pain in the arms and legs. And libido point of view is the zero pointed. This plan there does not bother me too much because I am alone and given my overall look of small bottle, I push rather than I attract. My image disgusts me and I leave my house only to go to work or to shop. Otherwise, I stay at home so I am ashamed of what I have become because of this disease.

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