Experiences with Asthma

This page shows detailed information about a disease such as statistics, patient reviews and related articles.

Also known as:
ICD10/11 Code: J45.1
ICD10/11 Group: J00-J99, Diseases of the respiratory system
Also known as: ---
ICD10/11 Code: J45.1, ICD10/11 Group: J00-J99, Diseases of the respiratory system

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Reviews from the most used drugs for this disease


11/28/2017 | | 18moderated by Susan
Montelukast (10mg) for asthma

Took Singulair for 6 weeks, every day 1x10mg, prescribed by my lung doctor. After starting this medicationI became a different person: aggressive, irritated, angry, depressed, mood swings and night mares. after 6 weeks I quit taking it and all side-effects subsided.
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9/14/2016 | | 62moderated by Philip
Tiotropium (18ug) for asthma

My experience is that this helps little or not at all, I was on holiday (14 days) and I didn't have it with me (forgot it) and didn't notice a single bit of difference, after I got home I started taking it again and didn't feel like it made the slightest difference. I am considering stopping because it just feels like a con, 130.60 euros for 90 capsules (at my own cost) for 3 months.
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7/25/2016 | | 37moderated by Henry
Beclomethasone (250ug/do) for asthma

After 2 weeks I started itching on my upper legs and posterior, rash on my buttocks and posterior, sleeplessness ... stopped 10 days ago and took strong antihistamines for 7 days, but the itch isn't going away, tomorrow I;m having a blood test. But as far as the use and result goes, actually quite happy ... Itch isn't too frequent, but when you get it, it's really intense ... with sleepless nig...
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6/22/2016 | | 42moderated by Susan
Budesonide / formoterol (400/12ug/do) for asthma

I've had asthma since birth. Used all necessary medicines. I only need Ventolin now… Alongside that I get singulair (montelukast) for lung infections. Actually never had problems with this medicine that's for the past half-year I've had a lot of bruising. It's beginning to become incredibly tedious. According to my doctor it could be because of symbicort and the fact that used it for years. Thi...
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6/6/2016 | | 31moderated by Susan
Budesonide / formoterol (160/4,5) for asthma

Only been using this for a few days but it makes me feel like I've got a hangover…so I won't be taking these for a long time. Needed to take it to get rid of a tickly cough that was caused by allergies and mild asthma. It does help but I find the side-effects too bad to use it for a long time.
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3/9/2016 | | 62moderated by Susan
Omalizumab (1mg/mg) for asthma

When the treatment started I would get really bad asthma attacks a few hours after I had the injection, now it's an allergic reaction (spots on my face, pain in my joints, feeling unwell)
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1/22/2016 | | 62moderated by Charlotte
Ciclesonide (160ug/do) for asthma

I've used Alvesco for years. Exactly how long I don't really know but back then this drug wasn't available in our country. I read an article on the Internet about Alvesco and the fact that it changes a corticosteroid in your lungs which seemed to me to be big advantage. I have two puffs a day and up to now haven't had a single side effect. When I've taken other respiratory corticosteroids in th...
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1/11/2016 | | 51moderated by Charlotte
Ciclesonide (160ug/do) for asthma

Shame that in the Netherlands compared with e.g. the USA there is no dose indicator on the inhaler. Loads of inhaled medicines have these indicators. I hope that Takeda does something about this soon.
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11/25/2015 | | 20moderated by Charlotte
Budesonide / formoterol (200/6ug/do) for asthma

From the age of 4 I took ventolin in combinabtion with flizotide. After so many years this has lost its effect and I was often short of breath. Then I was given symbicort. Works really well for my breathlessness but I couldn't go about my daily activities the way I used to.. It really made me tremble and I have daily headaches. Now I've switch ed to pulmicort with ventolin and I am curious to s...
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11/8/2015 | | 56moderated by Philip
Albuterol (100ug/do) for asthma

Excellent medicine with several uses. 1. Emergency help for dyspnoea. 2. Support for airway infections. 3. Take it before exercise. I am very happy with this medicine, it's always with me. It has literally saved me from a lot of oppressive situations. When you have an infection in your airways, you struggle all day long but you can take a puff a maximum of 4 times a day for essential extra air....
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10/15/2015 | | 47moderated by Charlotte
Budesonide / formoterol (200/6ug/do) for asthma

Symbicort helps to prevent inflammation in the airways. It means less or even no ventolin is needed! Excellent medicine, (unfortunately) I can't manage without it (unless I'm on the coast or in the mountains in snow).
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