Review about Seroxat

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29/07/2018 | | 40moderated by Henry
paroxetine hydrochloride hemihydrate (30mg) for unpleasant side effect from another medicine

I ended up taking this for 2 years after my GP misdiagnosed undocumented side effects from another drug (tetrazepam) as depression. The tetrazepam was for neck pains and caused people to pass out, although this was not a documented side effect at the time. When this happened to me, my GP assumed depression and prescribed Seroxat. But on topic: Whatever you do, do NOT take Seroxat. This drug is about as useful (and has the same effect) as having a tazer inserted in your skull. It makes you feel asif your brain is short circuiting, you are unable to function and become disconnected from the outside world (all not in a fun way). There are no positive effects from this drug, and you are not able to terminate the treatment without serious health risks. Hence you need guidance from your GP which can seriously work against you, as he's the one who put you on the treatment in the first place. If Tetrazepam had not ultimately been removed from market here as more people fainted, I would not have been able to push my GP into terminating the Seroxat treatment. To top it all off, this drug makes you gain ridiculous weight. Just google around, the internet is full of posts from people who became obese because of it. Somehow the weight gain is such that you cannot even work it off in a hurry. The consensus seems to be that the overweight stays for 2 years but mine stayed for 4+ years of intense training. Heed my warning. Stay away!

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