Experiences with Unrest

This page shows detailed information about a disease such as statistics, patient reviews and related articles.

Also known as:
ICD10/11 Code: U99
ICD10/11 Group: U00-U85, Codes for special purposes
Also known as: ---
ICD10/11 Code: U99, ICD10/11 Group: U00-U85, Codes for special purposes

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Most used medicines for this disease

Reviews from the most used medicines for this disease


02/08/2017 | | 37moderated by Susan
sertraline hydrochloride (50mg) for unrest

I started taking 50 mg sertraline on the advice of the GP for anxiety, increased worry through stress and depression as well. In the 1st week the anxiety increased, the depression and negative thoughts became worse, could barely sleep. Also had lots of bowel problems and hot flushes. But then after about 3 weeks the medicine slowly started to work. Sleeping better, feeling a bit calmer. After 2...
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23/05/2017 | | 50moderated by Philip
alprazolam (0,5mg) for unrest

I've recently been diagnosed with ADHD with additional disorders. Put on Ritalin straight away and then also tried out four other simulating medicines. Terrible result but I have also been self-medicating and discovered that Xanax works really well for me. I now take half a tablet every day and I feel great. Now and then I slip in an extra dexamphetamine with the Xanax, which is amazing. Offici...
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03/04/2017 | | 37moderated by Henry
flupentixol dihydrochloride (0,5mg) for unrest

I've been taking Flunxol 0.5 mg for almost a year now. Because of the side effects (feel dulled and weight gain) and because things are going well for me, I want to stop. Has anyone else here got experience with it?
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07/09/2016 | | 45moderated by Henry
zopiclone (7,5mg) for unrest

In my head, I've always associated anxiety with social nerves and inactivity. Zopiclone is, for me, a miracle cure because, after just 15 minutes, I genuinely feel calmer and I'm no longer scared of meeting my neighbours, etc. With the zopis I've also got back my desire to go outside. I take them in the morning once I'm awake for depression, 1 at 12 noon so I can go outside and in the evening s...
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Sodium Valproate

25/05/2016 | | 27moderated by Philip
sodium valproate (500mg) for unrest

After trying all sorts of things over the years this is the first medicine that actually works for me, thank goodness! It keeps me calm throughout the day and prevents frustration and chaos. The reason I take this medicine is because of my sleep spindles. It was a test by the specialist after other things didn't work. I've been using it for about six months and I'm actually quite happy with it ...
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The content on this page is user-generated content, read and revised before approval to comply with our standards for a condition review or reaction. We do not enforce any proven medical knowledge from our users to allow them to present their experiences. This way, the opinions and experiences described state only the views of the writers and not those of the owner of this website. Remember that these experiences differ from person to person and that you should always contact your doctor or pharmacist for advice on medication.

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