Experiences with Rheumatism

This page shows detailed information about a disease such as statistics, patient reviews and related articles.

Also known as:
ICD10/11 Code: M05-M06
ICD10/11 Group: J00-J99, Diseases of the respiratory system
Also known as: ---
ICD10/11 Code: M05-M06, ICD10/11 Group: J00-J99, Diseases of the respiratory system

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Most used medicines for this disease

Reviews from the most used medicines for this disease


10/07/2017 | | 52moderated by Henry
tocilizumab (infuus) for rheumatism

got my first infusion last weeks and still no improvement, another dose in two weeks. I'm also taking methotrexate 10 mg per week and 15 mg prednisolone per day. Since I've been on this medicine I've had a warm ear on one side. I don't know if anyone else has noticed this? either way it's very odd for me. I've also noticed an increased feeling on pressure in my head and I'm sweating really easily.
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25/05/2017 | | 38moderated by Henry
omeprazole (40mg) for rheumatism

20 mg is great, no side effects. Been on 40 mg since Monday and I feel strange, unpleasant, dizzy, headache in my forehead and generally not fit and listless. Going to call the clinic tomorrow because this doesn't feel good. Didn't expect this from this medicine.
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09/11/2016 | | 57moderated by Henry
leflunomide (10mg) for rheumatism

My rheumatism specialist prescribed Leflunomide end august. Since 2 months I've felt continuous tingling in my feet and ankles and sometimes even in my wrists. My toes are painful and my liver values are abnormal.
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08/08/2016 | | 44moderated by Henry
tocilizumab (360) for rheumatism

Via infusion, every 5 weeks, certainly helps for the rheumatic inflammation and drastically lowers my crp levels. General condition enormously improved, I can walk well and use my hands but I am coughing a lot, often get colds and I'm susceptible to anything and everything that's going around.
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14/01/2016 | | 59moderated by Henry
oxycodone hydrochloride (10mg) for rheumatism

Yesterday, because I'm a rheumatism patient, I got a new knee. I had absolutely no cartilage left and because of a fall it was also partially shattered. After the operation the orthopaedic consultant said that my knee was in really bad shape. In the first instance I was given 50 mg of tramadol and paracetamol as pain relief but it brought no relief. After that I got OxyNorm effervescent tablets...
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06/12/2015 | | 48moderated by Henry
etoricoxib (90mg) for rheumatism

The pain between my shoulders has got less but the rest of the pain is still there. As well as that, the biggest problem was that I got really bad depression and everything associated with it. Not to be underestimated. Because of the extreme depression I suffered when taking Arcoxia 90 I think I'd rather cope with the pain.
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