Experiences with Hernia

This page shows detailed information about a disease such as statistics, patient reviews and related articles.

Also known as:
neck / spinal hernia
ICD10/11 Code: M50-M51
ICD10/11 Group: M00-M99, Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue
Also known as: neck / spinal hernia
ICD10/11 Code: M50-M51, ICD10/11 Group: M00-M99, Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue

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Most used medicines for this disease

Reviews from the most used medicines for this disease


07/08/2017 | | 41moderated by Charlotte
tramadol hydrochloride (100mg) for hernia

I've been taking tramadol for 2 years because of hernias in my neck and back, and arthrosis, in ever increasing doses because you start to get used to it then the pain breaks through again so you have to increase the dose again. Every time I increase the dose, I notice the side effects more and more. The worst thing is the effect it has on my concentration. On the other hand though at the momen...
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14/06/2017 | | 50moderated by Philip
pregabalin (75mg) for hernia

After no joy from GP, physical therapist, or x-ray finally got referral from the doctor for a neurologist. Pain was getting unbearable in my neck, shoulder and arm from which I could no longer sleep, sit or stand . While waiting for three weeks from MRI was offered Lyrica. After one pill Oxycodone and terrible side effects I was happy to try something new. No regrets. Now low levels of pain wit...
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01/06/2017 | | 54moderated by Susan
diclofenac potassium (75mg) for hernia

Took one pill for neck pain. (11 years ago I had an intervertebral disc removed). Overnight my stomach was all over the place. Nauseous, swollen feeling and rising acid reflux. I am absolutely never using this again.
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03/05/2017 | | 80moderated by Susan
amitriptyline hydrochloride (25mg) for hernia

I was given this by the pain clinic after an acute hernia. Helps really well, no more pain, but I have lost feeling in my left leg but that's nothing to do with this medicine.
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31/08/2016 | | 46moderated by Charlotte
etoricoxib (90mg) for hernia

After disc degeneration L5-S1 I was given this drug as a drastic solution by the GP. The disc was virtually pulverised and there was no point in surgery. Works exceptionally well as a combined painkiller/muscle relaxant after not knowing how to lie at night and as a anti inflammatory for the rest of the spinal discs. Used this daily between 2006 and 2012. Never any problems or side effects. Rec...
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