Review about Lamictal

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9/4/2017 | | 25
Lamotrigine (200mg) for migraine

Very good product! I am using it after having an epileptic seizure with loss of knowledge (22 years) in 2014 then another one hour after the emergency... with a migraine crisis since I was little, I was seeing a neurologist who prescribed my épitomax for neat 2! Today I am at 100 Mg per day and everything is fine! Four migraines a week I'm at 4 a month! No more epileptic seizures since the 1st.. I lost 15 kilos... I had a little weight to lose, this is the only point of the Epitomax! Weight Loss! Otherwise I have nothing to reproach him! Once I prescribed the credits: Topiramate! I have not regained efficiency even if it is the same molecule... Suddenly, made noted: (Do not substitute) on your prescription to have the real product! It will avoid having the Biogaran, Mylan ect... The pharmacy of the coup will be obliged to give you the real product of the real name without advance of expenses! For my migraine attacks: Relpax 40mg and ibuprofen 400 and it goes! A little bit of fresh macaroon to pass on the forehead, findable in pharmacy, it will have to go... but the worst ones are those that start in the night and that we find on awakening... so they stay all day... the others, I can feel them coming and calm them AVA They arrive at Max Power now!

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