Review about Repatha

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3/10/2022 | | 62moderated by Henry
Evolocumab (140MG/ML) for High cholesterol

Very dangerous drug! Significant side effects. 62 yo male, no cardiac history, cholesterol above 200, on 25 mg lipitor (previous Zocor/40mg not tolerated). First injection normal. 3 days after first injection experienced sever 'night sweats'. Constant ringing in ears. Experiencing difficulty breathing and inability to swallow. Significant mucus build up in sinus and nasal cavity--post nasal drip. Woke 3-4 times during sleep gasping for air. Indications persisted resulting in blood pressure before injection 120/80 after injection 180/100. Sever chest pain near right pectoral muscle. Trip to ER indicated normal EKG. Blood panel revealed diabetic indications (no previous history).

2 reactions

Reactions to this review

8/10/2022 moderated by Philip
Wow! You have just described my exact symptoms also experienced. Thank you! Though I suspected it might be but never being sure whiles researching that it may be an allergy. I will stop Repatha for at least 2 months and in turn expecting these unpleasant symptoms to disperse. (Red: do not stop a medicine without consulting your prescribing doctor)
11/14/2022 moderated by Philip
I experience bad diahorrea, frequency of urinating, tiredness, depression worse than usual, tingling in arms and shoulders. muscle soreness and weakness, dizziness, fatigue, itching dry hacking cough, mucous increase so I dry retch and other symptoms. I have discontinued because the side effects are worse than living with Cholesterol. I want quality of life, not going out and then coming home to sleep for 2 hours and poohing my pants twice in one day. they can shove Repatha and I don't feel there were enough studies done on this medication before releasing it to the market.

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