Hi all! I come back daily to read your testimonials that help me to hold. I saw that you were talking about drops in replacement, I will talk to my doctor because my morale is getting worse and worse. I sleep 2 hours a night, I am exhausted + + so the Depression arrives, very dark ideas! Walking is an ordeal. Memory, let's not even talk about it, I feel like I'm crazy, I can't even concentrate and my words are confused, I cry for nothing, I have a blurry veil in front of my eyes constantly, I have mood swings and I get angry for nothing , I have trouble breathing and swallowing, the sensation I had before ablation in 2003, discomfort at the throat, a sore back to bend me in 2, I still have a child of 15 years at home and it is not funny for him to see me sink by day In the daytime, I can't even eat, I get stuffed with vitamins, dietary supplements for my hair, painkillers, laxatives, etc. A drug intoxication will come to force, in short I am hurt in my head and in my body, a hell! I am still waiting for an answer for my report of sante.gouv.fr/but supposedly, they are overwhelmed and overwhelmed with 20 to 30 reports per day and despite this, no one takes seriously our distress. We have to wait for the meeting scheduled around September 22nd. They are surely waiting for people to be on the borderline of death to react. In the meantime, we remain isolated at home to be depressed. Thanks to MERCK Labs, are they human?