Experiences with Hypothyroidism

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Also known as:
thyroid gland
ICD10/11 Code: E00-E03
ICD10/11 Group: E00-E90, Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases
Also known as: thyroid gland
ICD10/11 Code: E00-E03, ICD10/11 Group: E00-E90, Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases

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2/4/2018 | | 48moderated by Charlotte
Levothyroxine (25ug) for hypothyroidism

Since i started this medication my health has only gotten worse. All in all, i am pretty uncomfortable. Because of this, i have stopped taking this medication because it is only counterproductive towards my health. I'm going to try to use Tirosint instead, hopefully this will work better for me.
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11/11/2017 | | 77moderated by Susan
Levothyroxine (112ug) for hypothyroidism

20 years ago I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism, at first they thought I had a ms. I had extreme fatigue, constipation, severe weight gain, high blood pressure, very dry skin. 2 years ago I was diagnosed with autonomic dysfunction it affects just about every part of my body, my blood pressure will go Sky High and then drop very low and I will get dizzy when I stand up. I do believe I was diagn...
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11/10/2017 | | 71moderated by Charlotte
Levothyroxine (125ug) for hypothyroidism

The medicine works fine. The thyrax worked too, but i'm never going to take that again because i don't want to go back to the manufacturer that just let its patients sit for a year alone. That was too crazy for words.
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9/11/2017 | | 70moderated by Philip
Levothyroxine (75) for hypothyroidism

I started off taking natural thyroid hormones until that was no longer permitted. Absolutely no problems at 200 ug. Then I switched over to Thyrax 200 ug, had muscle pains the whole time (30 years) and slowly started gaining weight (not through over-eating) and had fluid retention. Started on Tirosint in February. No more muscle pain, my legs are their normal size again and I've lost 7 kg. Alre...
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9/6/2017 | | 68
Levothyroxine (75) for hypothyroidism

I feel so bad that I don't know what to do.. my tsh is almost normal so what to do?? Great fatigue, irritability, insomnia, hair loss, pain, morning sore eyes, difficulty reading, etc...
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9/6/2017 | | 39
Levothyroxine (100ug) for hypothyroidism

I declared an autoimmune thyroid during the summer of 2016 which was diagnosed in October 2016. I was immediately put under Lévothyrox 50 then under Lévothyrox 75 in January 2017 and under Lévothyrox 100 in March 2017. That's when the many side effects appeared. Not being stabilized at that time my doctor put these side effects under the stroke of hormonal imbalance. But since my TSH rate is ba...
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9/6/2017 | | 48
Levothyroxine (100ug) for hypothyroidism

I've been on treatment for 20 years, I was fairly quickly stabilized, with a few variations over these 20 years. I never had to complain about this treatment. Since June, I have had twice periods of intense dizziness, nausea, then strong head pain with blurred vision and finally difficulty breathing to have to take ventolin. Feeling weakened is obviously about morale, and it is quite obvious th...
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9/6/2017 | | 56
Levothyroxine (125ug) for hypothyroidism

Since 1978 after the birth of my daughter, I take Lévothyrox, 175 then 150 then 125 later, well stabilized for at least 10 years, everything was going well. No side effects. Auto-immune disease.
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9/6/2017 | | 56
Levothyroxine (125ug) for hypothyroidism

Under Levothyrox since 1987, well dosed for about ten years, since taking the new formula, I have extreme fatigue, sleep all the time the day and insomnia at night from 5h in the morning, depressed, very important fall of the hair, palpitations and intestinal pain, weight gain, already that before weight control was difficult even by doing the diet, for 3 months it is uncontrollable, I plan to ...
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9/6/2017 | | 65
Levothyroxine (88ug) for hypothyroidism

Weight gain, heavy fatigue, headache, muscle aches, dizziness + + + and digestive disorders 1/2 hour after taking the "new Levothyrox". I've been taking Lévothyrox for over 10 years with no side effects. Out for 3 months it's hell. I persisted to wait for an acceptance of my body but it's getting worse and worse. Despite the warning of my doctor, I stopped taking it for 10 days and from the 3rd...
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9/6/2017 | | 40
Levothyroxine (125ug) for hypothyroidism

For 20 years followed for Hashimoto, we adjust the dosage, no side effects and for 3 months it is the catastrophe. I want to go back to the old formula. Large loss of hair by plaques, heavy fatigue, transit disturbances and nausea, muscle aches and concentration disorder.
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9/6/2017 | | 63
Levothyroxine (100ug) for hypothyroidism

I did not understand why I had these phenomena, but now I understood. This is the result of the change in the Levothyrox formula.
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9/6/2017 | | 60
Levothyroxine (75ug) for hypothyroidism

Treated for 2 years, after a 15-year stop, the Hypothiroidie reappeared. Since May 2017, symptoms such as headache, fatigue, tingling in the limbs have arisen. It was only by reading the press that I reconciled with the change of new formula of the Levothyrox!!
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9/6/2017 | | 67
Levothyroxine (137ug) for hypothyroidism

I have been treated since 1989 for a Hypothyroîdie Hyamachito, I have a dosage of 135 mg per day, apart from the first years when I encountered difficulties for the correct dosage, everything was going well without any side effects. Since May 2017, during the renewal of my prescription, I took the new formula of Levothyrox, I did not understand immediately the small health problems that gradual...
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9/5/2017 | | 48
Levothyroxine (100ug) for hypothyroidism

For a few months I have unusual troubles, great fatigue, headache, hair loss, state dépressif....je did not know that the formula of Levothyroxe had changed before seeing a story on the subject and understand where my troubles came from. Without solutions at the moment unfortunately..
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9/4/2017 | | 62
Levothyroxine (100ug) for hypothyroidism

I've been taking the Levothyrox for almost 30 years, I had no problem. I was well dosed and since the beginning of the year very high fatigue, loss of memory, weight gain, loss of hair, oedemes, a general evil. Since 29/08/2017, I took over the old Levothyrox and I can hold until mid-October.... then we'll notify??? And since taking the old, I no longer have headaches, I'm less swollen, I have ...
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9/3/2017 | | 52
Levothyroxine (150ug) for hypothyroidism

I've been in hypothyroidism for 13 years (auto-immune disease that attacks my thyroid). Over the years, the doctor had to increase the doses of Levothyrox to have a TSH roughly in the norm. Since March, at 175 ug, my rate was OK, but I had palpitations, a very fast pulse and felt nervous fatigue with difficulty in falling asleep. I went down to 150 ug in May; The palpitations have disappeared b...
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The content on this page is user-generated content, read and revised before approval to comply with our standards for a condition review or reaction. We do not enforce any proven medical knowledge from our users to allow them to present their experiences. This way, the opinions and experiences described state only the views of the writers and not those of the owner of this website. Remember that these experiences differ from person to person and that you should always contact your doctor or pharmacist for advice on medication.

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