Experiences with Yeast infection on the skin

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Also known as:
ICD10/11 Code: B35
ICD10/11 Group: A00-B99, Certain infectious and parasitic diseases
Yeast infection on the skin
Also known as: ---
ICD10/11 Code: B35, ICD10/11 Group: A00-B99, Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

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12/03/2019 | | 23moderated by Susan
miconazole nitrate (400MG) for Yeast infection on the skin

I'll definitely recommend this to anyone who needs to treat a yeast infection. I got the pessaries when I got to the point where there was severe itching, burning and swelling. It was so uncomfortable and I needed something to make it stop fast. The first night I inserted the drug the itching and burning got worse but when I woke up I was a bit more comfortable as the symptoms had gone down....
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12/10/2018 | | 28moderated by Henry
miconazole nitrate (400MG) for Yeast infection on the skin

I know everyone is complaining about the tortorous burn while using it. I guess it is just how it works amd ir depends on how advanced your candida is. My doctor gave me 3 pills to use in one day and I inserted the first one at night. I have to admit it was hell for about two hours- itching and burning. But after it relieved and I fell asleep. I was a bit scared to take it again the mext mornin...
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08/09/2018 | | 23moderated by Henry
miconazole nitrate (20MG/G) for Yeast infection on the skin

I was in Antwerp for a conference and the day before the conference I noticed strange discharges so I went to an emergency gynecologist and he prescribed it to me. I needed to be perfect for the conference and reading this website I was very afraid of side effects. But this did not happen, rushes or itches never came and I think this drug is effective ! But yes this was my experience
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14/07/2017 | | 24moderated by Charlotte
miconazole nitrate (1200mg) for yeast infection on the skin

I've been awake for a second night now because of this horrible itch. I'm supposed to use this for 7 days...I don't think I can keep it up. The reviews are not very positive.
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22/06/2017 | | 18moderated by Susan
itraconazole (100mg) for yeast infection on the skin

Hey everyone. I'm an 18-year-old girl. I finished my course today and didn't have any problems with any side effects. The last 2 days I suppose there was a bit of stomach pain but that might just be because I was taking my contraceptive pill at the same tim. Waiting for the results.
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