Experiences with Arthritis

This page shows detailed information about a disease such as statistics, patient reviews and related articles.

Also known as:
ICD10/11 Code: M00-M25
ICD10/11 Group: M00-M99, Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue
Also known as: ---
ICD10/11 Code: M00-M25, ICD10/11 Group: M00-M99, Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue

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Most used medicines for this disease

Reviews from the most used medicines for this disease


20/08/2018 | | 48moderated by Charlotte
etoricoxib (90mg) for arthritis

I took this drug for pain associated with a rheumatoid arthritis flare. Within 2 days my limbs had all swollen and I was in extreme pain. I was suffering severe cramping pains in legs and had trouble controlling my bladder. The symptoms lasted several weeks and needed oral steroids to regain control. I wouldn't use again.
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22/07/2017 | | 46moderated by Susan
celecoxib (200mg) for arthritis

Vertebra infection. First 3 weeks went well. Then it all went to pot. Now I can't walk any where near as much as I used to and when it's really bad I have to use a wheelchair.
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04/07/2017 | | 62moderated by Charlotte
leflunomide (20mg) for arthritis

I went through a period of greater pain with rheumatism and had to have a Humira injection. Luckily I'm now in a phase of less pain and Leflunomide works well. It can be quite temperamental because it can go from calm to raging in a couple of hours. At the moment it's calm, so I'm happy
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16/06/2017 | | 70moderated by Susan
ibuprofen (200mg) for arthritis

My knees were really painful,with one pill 80% of the pain disappeared been walking around in pain for weeks what an amazing drug .
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14/10/2015 | | 32moderated by Henry
etoricoxib (60mg) for arthritis

Used for 2 weeks to stop inflammation in the knee. Had no less pain, hardly any change in the knee. But 2 weeks seriously tired with depression and general sadness, very unpleasant.
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